Executive Committee Members 2025
Management Committee Members 2025
Canteen Controller
George Koulouris (acting)
Chief Coach - Juniors
Steve Karavatarkis
Grading Officer
Chief Head Coach / Technical Director
Steve Karavatarkis
Grants Officer
Grounds Controller
Scott Pinn
General Committee Members 2025
Jimmy Anthopoulos
Veronica Stewart
Emily Blythe
Angela Van Gessel
Glen Attard
Leisa Manning
Howard Fox
Nicolas Tseros
Raegan Grimsley
Kellie Winning
Michael Harrington
Karen Linnegar
Our Vision
To develop and nurture the talent of all ages to become the best footballers, coaches and club members they can be and to encourage our players and members to become high-level contributors to our local community.
Our Values
Cronulla Seagulls FC was founded in 1959 with the desire to facilitate football participation in the region built on the foundational values of equality and inclusiveness.
These are values we continue to hold in the highest regards, not just in words but in actions. Equality. Inclusion. Teamwork. Community. Character. Pride. Fun.
Our Goals
Cronulla Seagulls FC has clear long-term goals focussing on developing first-class facilities for all of our community members to enjoy and deliver a broader club experience that's second to none. To achieve these goals, in the short term we aim to redevelop our clubhouse and change rooms, having just completed a new canteen project. Our complete long-term plan includes a second level addition to the existing clubhouse which will enable members to enjoy watching the game from clean, safe and comfortable facilities. Adjunct to, but equally important, is the desire to develop our home ground of Woolooware Oval by increasing the usability of the oval all year round focusing on seating, playing surface quality, increasing usable space and better all-round amenities.
Our Mission
To create an environment where we can positively impact the development of our local community by providing football and life-enriching opportunities to all players irrespective of age, gender and capability.
We aim to create a lifelong passion for football and local community service and in doing so to provide a place where all can feel safe and welcome