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"Positively impacting the
Community through Football."

Club Policies

Child Protection Policy

Cronulla Seagulls FC is committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare of all children and young people are maintained at all times during their participation as a player, coach, official, volunteer or spectator of Cronulla Seagulls FC. This Club, as an affiliated member of Football NSW and Sutherland Shire Football Association, fully supports the Child Protection Policies and guidelines of these organisations and relevant government agencies. In short there are possible legal ramifications for anyone who deals improperly with a person aged under 18. This applies to referees, players and coaches under the age of 18. The Club will treat any child protection issue very seriously. The Executive Committee appoints a Member Protection Information Officer to act as liaison to club members on any child protection issue.

Member Protection Officer : Howard Fox - Ph 0407 490 259

Member Protection Policy

The Club expects all of its members to respect all differences between individuals. There is no place for discrimination of any type within the club including on the basis of sex, race, illness, disability, popularity, mental capacity, marital status or aptitude for the game. Parents are particularly asked to teach their children tolerance in all these respects as the Club regards this as an essential component of their development as players and people. CSFC aims to provide a sport environment where all those involved in its activities are treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment vilification or discrimination.


CSFC recognises that all those involved in its activities cannot enjoy themselves, perform to their best, or be effective or fully productive if they are being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed because of their sex, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, race, age, disability, homosexuality, sexuality, transgender, religion, political belief and/ or industrial activity.


CSFC prohibits all forms of harassment vilification and discrimination not only because it is against the law, but because it may be extremely distressing, offensive, humiliating and/or threatening and may create an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment.


If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy they should report this to the Member Protection Information Officer.

Member Protection Officer : Howard Fox - Ph 0407 490 259

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct establishes rules for how club members should interact with match officials, coaches, managers, players and one another.


In summary respect should be shown to all parties at all times. The club considers the code of conduct to be fundamental to maintaining its reputation for fair play and will treat violations of the code very seriously.


  • Play by the rules.

  • Never argue with an official.

  • If you disagree with something dramatic within a game or at the field of play, seek out the ground control officer and advise of your complaint in a calm and rational manner. Advise the committee of your own club in writing within 48 hours of the event.

  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable.

  • Work hard for yourself and/or your team. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you.

  • Be a good sport.

  • Applaud all good plays whether they be your team or the opponent.

  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.

  • Co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition.

  • Play for the fun of it, and not just to please parents and coaches. Remember, it is a game.


  • Remember that children compete for pleasure and that winning is only part of the fun.

  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing.

  • Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules suit the maturity level of players.

  • Be reasonable in your demands on young players’ time, energy and enthusiasm.

  • Teach your players to always follow the rules.

  • Whenever possible, group players to ensure everyone has a reasonable chance of success.

  • Avoid overplaying talented players. The “just average” need and deserve equal time.

  • Ensure that equipment and facilities meet the safety standards required.

  • Develop team respect for the ability of opponents and for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.

  • Follow the advice of a qualified person when determining when an injured player is ready to recommence the game.

  • If at any time you are not comfortable with any spect of a game, training or administration, report it to a Ground Control Officer or Club Official.

  • Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of children.


  • Give all children an equal chance to participate.

  • Provide quality supervision and instruction for all players.

  • Remember that children participate for enjoyment. Don’t over-emphasise awards.

  • Help coaches and officials highlight appropriate behaviours and skill development, and improve the standards of coaching and officiating.

  • Ensure everyone involved in junior sport emphasises fair play, not winning at all costs.

  • Give a Code of Conduct sheet to officials, coaches, managers, players and parents, if possible.

  • Compliment and encourage all players.

  • For referees: be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions.

  • Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for opponents.

  • Emphasise the spirit of the game rather than errors.

  • Set the example yourself by being a good sport.

  • Ensure this code of conduct is on display at the club’s headquarters and is referred to.


  • Encourage children to participate, do not force them.

  • Focus on the child’s efforts rather than the result of the game.

  • Encourage players to participate by the rules and decisions of the officials.

  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing.

  • Remember that children learn best by example.

  • Applaud good performance.

  • Congratulate all participants regardless of the outcome.

  • Respect officials’ decision and teach children to do likewise.

  • Respect the opposition – without them there is no game.

  • Show appreciation of volunteers, coaches and administration. Without them there would be no competition.

  • Support efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.

  • Do not use foul language, harass players, coaches, administration or officials.

  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators coaches, managers, officials or players.

  • If at any time you are not comfortable with any aspect of a game, training or administration, report it to your Coach or Manager, or a Ground Control Officer or Club Official.

Coaches and Managers - Registration and Approval Policy

CSFC values the role of volunteer Coaches and Managers and the Club endeavours to provide as much support as possible to our volunteers. If at any time you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Club Secretary or any member of our Executive Committee.

All Coach and Manager roles at CSFC are considered volunteer appointments. The Club does not remunerate volunteer Coaches and Managers.

To be approved as a Coach or Manager for any CSFC Team, you are required to register via and advise the Club Secretary via email of your registration. Your email should include the role for which you have registered, the relevant team and your Working With Children Check Number (or reference number if your application is pending). All WWC's are verified by the SSFA Shared Services Team via the NSW Office of the Guardian online portal.

Where two or more registrations are received for the Coach or Manager of a team, generally the incumbent Coach or Manager will be approved for that role. Unsuccessful registrations will be advised via an automated email from Play Football and will also be notified in writing by the Club Secretary. Should you wish to dispute the decision, you will need to contact the Club Secretary via email within 48 hours providing relevant information to substantiate the dispute. Upon receipt of a dispute email, the Club Secretary will refer the matter to the Executive Committee for review and a decision will be made as soon as practicable and communicated to the relevant parties.

Coach and Manager approvals are managed by the Club Secretary and made official in Play Football. Approvals will not be processed without a valid WWC for each registrant.

CSFC Grading Policy

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Our Vision

To develop and nurture the talent of all ages to become the best footballers, coaches and club members they can be and to encourage our players and members to become high-level contributors to our local community.

Our Values


Cronulla Seagulls FC was founded in 1959 with the desire to facilitate football participation in the region built on the foundational values of equality and inclusiveness.


These are values we continue to hold in the highest regards, not just in words but in actions. Equality. Inclusion. Teamwork. Community. Character. Pride. Fun.

Our Goals

Cronulla Seagulls Football Club has clear long-term goals focussing on developing first-class facilities for all our community members to enjoy and delivering a broader club experience second to none. To achieve these long-term goals we have just completed our clubhouse, medical/referees room and changeroom redevelopment aligned to our prior canteen development completed in 2019. Our over-arching long-term plan will include a second level addition to the existing club, which will enable members to enjoy watching the game from clean, safe and comfortable facilities whilst increasing our storage capability for our vital club equipment. Adjunct to, but equally important, is the desire to develop our home ground of Woolooware Oval by increasing the usability of the oval all-year-round focusing on seating, playing surface quality, increasing usable space and better all-round amenity.

Our Mission

To create an environment where we can positively impact the development of our local community by providing football and life-enriching opportunities to all players irrespective of age, gender and capability.


We aim to create a lifelong passion for football and local community service and in doing so to provide a place where all can feel safe and welcome

Support our sponsors who generously support our Football Club.

Major Sponsor


Platinum Sponsors

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Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors


© 1959-2024 Cronulla Seagulls Football Club Inc.

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